Celebrating Our First Happy Warrior® Yoga Teacher Graduates!

Earlier this summer we had the absolute honor of celebrating the graduation of our first cohort of Happy Warrior® yoga teacher trainees. This isn’t just a milestone for Yoga In Our City; it’s a testament to the incredible dedication and passion of our new graduates who are ready to lead their communities with the transformative power of yoga.

Meet the Trailblazers

The Happy Warrior program is all about empowering leaders to use yoga for healing, equity, and social justice. These graduates have not only completed their 200-hour training but have also embraced the mission to create positive change in their communities.

Cindy, one of our Happy Warrior graduates, shared,

“The Happy Warrior training has empowered me to use yoga as a tool for healing and equity, strengthened my leadership skills, and reaffirmed my dedication to creating safe and nurturing spaces, especially for marginalized communities.”

Xiomara, another graduate, said,

“Choosing to complete the training and become a certified yoga instructor means I can bring the skills my community needs right to them. Yoga has changed my life for the better, and I want to share what I’ve learned. As a Happy Warrior, I boldly step forward to embrace my role one class at a time.”

Chloe summed up the spirit of the program perfectly:

“Being a Happy Warrior means giving back to my community, viewing the world through a social justice lens, and helping others.”

Celebrating the Journey

Our Happy Warrior training program equips participants with the skills and knowledge to lead with awareness and compassion. Over the course of their training, these trailblazers have delved deep into yoga philosophy, integrating its principles with social justice advocacy. Their journey is a powerful reminder of how yoga can be a tool for both personal and community transformation.

We can’t wait to follow their journeys and see their impact, but we’re already incredibly proud of their growth. Their dedication to the values of equity, service, and advocacy is truly inspiring. To celebrate their journey, we’ve put together a special Spotify playlist curated by our graduates. Check it out and feel the energy of their incredible journey!

What’s Next?

As we celebrate the success of our first cohort, we’re thrilled to announce that registration for the next cohort of Happy Warrior trainees will soon be open. If you’re passionate about making a difference through yoga, we invite you to join us. The Happy Warrior program isn’t just a certification; it’s a path to becoming a community leader and a force for good.

For more information about the Happy Warrior program and to register for the next cohort, please visit: yogainourcity.com/teacher-training

Together, we can continue to build stronger, healthier communities through the power of yoga.

Join the Celebration

Join us in celebrating these incredible leaders and the bright future they’re helping to create. 

To truly feel and capture the energy representative of this cohort, we created this playlist to share with you. Each trainee chose a song that was meaningful to them or that they felt embodied the spirit of a Happy Warrior. Check it out:

Let’s continue to support and uplift each other, making wellness accessible for all. Here’s to the Happy Warriors – past, present, and future!